BUsiness owners
RFLegal can help you put in place sensible and enforceable commercial arrangements and solve business issues.
Whether a FTSE100, SME, or sole trader, RFLegal will help you protect your business and maximise value if / when looking to sell.
RFLegal offers a legal health check service to help ensure your business is doing the right thing and on track to obtain the maximum value if / when looking to exit.
With a balance of legal, business, operational, and financial strategies, we can steer your business in the right direction.
your out house in house counsel
Often, Rob acts as out-house in-house general counsel, providing a practical business-led approach in a down-to-earth manner.
legal training
RFLegal delivers legal training sessions on the subject of Contract Law or Compliance. We’ve helped businesses across the globe understand and minimise legal risk, including in, UK, Germany, Sweden, and Mexico.
Inspiration without Infringement: How to Avoid Copyright Infringement in the UK
At RFLegal we understand the unique challenges faced by creatives and businesses in the communication, public relations, and marketing agency sectors in the UK. Clients demand new, innovative messages, adverts, and eye-catching campaigns. Our goal is to help you thrive, creatively, without infringing on copyright laws.